Continuing Education “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” — Chinese Proverb
Several years ago, near the end of my pro running career, I was frustrated with a sub-par race result. I realized there were a few things I could have done differently (and better) in the race and in my preparation. I remember thinking: “Haven’t I learned all the lessons by now?! Why can’t I just spend the end of my career applying all the lessons I’ve already learned?” I wanted to enjoy only good performances as a result of all my experience - and be done learning lessons. Fortunately, that’s not the way it works. As long as we’re running the lessons keep coming, and that’s how we keep improving! As a coach I do my best to share everything I’ve learned (and continue to learn) about training and racing with you. Even so, the experience of actually doing the training and running the race will always be the most valuable teacher. And that means no matter the result - lining up is always worth it. Sincerely, Nicole