Day 10: Good Morning

What this exercise is for:

  • Hamstring & glute stretch

  • Glute activation.

  • Hip mobility. You should feel a gentle stretch in front of your body at the hip flexor.

How to do it:

  • Stand with feet hip width apart (narrow stance) with hands on hips.

  • Hinge at the hip, reaching your booty backward while keeping spine straight and knees very slightly bent.

  • Keep your weight balanced on the entire bottom of your feet (avoid shifting your weight completely onto your heels). If you struggle with balance, slow down the movement.

  • As you hinge your torso will lower toward the ground. Hinge as far as you can until you feel a gentle stretch in your hamstrings and glutes.

  • Stand back up straight by squeezing your glutes, making sure to fully extend at your hip when you’re standing straight.

  • Do 5-10 reps. You should be able to hinge a bit further on the last rep as compared to the first.

Nicole Sifuentes