As a coach of runners specifically, my focus for designing strength training programs is on building strength without emphasizing muscle growth. When training for strength, we need to keep reps low and weight high: 6 reps per set at the most.
Read MoreThere are several options for getting hydration during a run, and it all comes down to personal preference. In other words: how much do you hate carrying things while you run?
Read MoreDuring a long run or race we want to prevent dehydration, because losing over 2% body weight in water (via sweating) can hurt performance.
Read MoreSports nutrition products can be so helpful for runners who want to fuel well before, during and after working out. But you can actually use regular, non sport labeled, foods and unpackaged, unprocessed foods as well.
Read MoreRunners of all distances can benefit from a hit of sugar during a workout or shorter run, even if there’s no danger or bonking.
Read MoreThis blog will explain in basic terms how the body uses fuel for running, what happens when we “bonk” or “crash” and how to avoid it.
Read MoreIn general, processed foods can be digested more quickly than fresh or minimally processed foods. The heat of cooking will break down fruit and vegetables, making them easier to digest than raw fruit and vegetable.
Read MoreThis blog post is for the runners who need to cross-train but don’t know how to get started.
Read MoreA common myth for treadmill use is that a low incline (about 1%) should be used to “make up” for the lack of wind resistance.
Read MoreThe most important factor when picking a new pair of running shoes is COMFORT. Seems pretty straightforward! The runners should be comfortable right when you put them on your feet AND when you stand up, walk around, and jog around.
Read MoreToday I want to provide some insight into what treatment options are actually available for runners, because there are a lot.
Read MoreDuring workouts we’re training out body to be faster and stronger, and we’re training our mind to remain calm when we’re tired.
Read MoreIt’s easy to fall into the trap of testing your fitness on a regular training day, but this approach isn’t a smart way to train.
Read MoreI don’t recommend anyone track their protein intake on a daily basis, but consider tracking it for just 1 or 2 days to see if you’re in the ballpark range of what you need, as a runner.
Read MoreI know people are going to compromise the warmup. It will happen! Even I do it when I’m in a rush! Or when I’m really bored during the warmup and impatient to get the workout started. So here are your options.
Read MoreInner core strength is what stabilizes our body while we run, through every step from landing to toe off. A strong core allows us to FULLY use the strength in our legs.
Read MoreAfter going through pregnancy and a cesarean delivery my core was kind of destroyed. Here’s a little background of my process of re-building my core strength.
Read MoreMy top 5 moments watching the Paris Olympics athletics events.
Read MoreIf you’re interested in adding progression runs to your workout schedule, here are some helpful tips
Read MoreA progression run is mental challenge, not just a physical workout. It requires way more focus than a regular run.
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