Day 12: Hurdle Seat Exchange

What this exercise is for:

  • Hip mobility

  • Hamstring stretch

How to do it:

CLICK HERE to watch the demo video on Youtube

  • Sit on the ground with both legs extended out in front of you.

  • Tuck your right foot behind you with a bent knee. Ideally your knee will rest on the ground, but it is possible that you won’t have adequate hip mobility to allow for this. That is okay. Continue doing these mobility moves!

  • With a flat back, reach forward and upward, toward the sky in the direction of your left (extended) leg. You should feel a stretch in the hamstring of your left (extended) leg

  • Bring your arms back down and your right leg back out in front of your beside your left leg.

  • Turn to your left and roll over on your stomach, using your arms to guide and support.

  • Tuck your left leg back behind you with a bent knee, similar to the way you did the scorpions on Day 4.

  • Use your arms to push yourself back up into a seated position, with your right leg extended out in front of you.

  • With a flat back, reach forward and upward, toward the sky in the direction of your right (extended) leg. You should feel a stretch in the hamstring of your right (extended) leg.

  • Lower your hands and bring your left leg back in front of you.

  • Turn to your right and continue to flow back and forth, 4-6 reps on each side.

Nicole Sifuentes