Day 14: Lateral Squat

What this exercise is for:

  • Glute & quad activation

  • Adductor (inner thigh) and calf stretch

How to do it:

CLICK HERE to watch a demo video on YouTube

  • Stand with your feet in a very wide stance, with feet pointing very slightly outward.

  • Shift your weight to the right side, bending your right knee and reaching backward with your bum.

  • If you feel like you might tip backward, hang on to a heavy chair, fence, tree or post in front of you and “hang” off it as you sit back and to the side.

  • Press your knees outward throughout the movement, like you did in the bodyweight squat yesterday. Do not let the knees collapse inward.

  • In the lowest position of your side squat, your weight should be on the entire bottom of your supporting foot.

  • To stand back up, drive your foot (and especially your heel) into the ground and squeeze your glutes. The quads also contribute to standing up but you should also feel the back of your body contributing!

  • Squeeze glutes as you stand up, then shift to the other side.

  • Squat side to side 5-8 times

Nicole Sifuentes