Day 18: Shin Box Shift

What this exercise is for:

  • Hip mobility

  • Glute & core activation

How to do it:

CLICK HERE to watch a demo video on YouTube

  • Sit on the ground with your knees bent - the left foot in front of your body and the right foot beside you.

  • “Stand up” on your knees and squeeze your glutes.

  • Sit back down, and keeping your feet in contact with the ground and in (relatively) the same spot, lift your knees off the ground and pivot so that your right foot is in front of your body and left foot to your side.

  • **You can use your hands as support on the ground behind you during this pivot! (Not shown in the animation but demonstrated in the youtube video).

  • “Stand up” on your knees and squeeze your glutes.

  • Pivot back and forth 5-6 times.

Nicole Sifuentes