Day 23: Crossover Squat

What this exercise is for:

  • Total lower body mobility! Feet up through hips!

How to do it:

CLICK HERE to watch a demo on YouTube

  • Stand with feet hip width apart (narrow stance) and cross left leg over and in front of the right leg.

  • Squat straight down by bending your knees. You may need to adjust the position of your feet so that your knees aren’t getting in the way of each other. This is okay! After a few tries you’ll know the best foot placement that allows you to lower down.

  • Try to keep your hips facing relatively forward (do not rotate at the hips).

  • Stand up, briefly return to your stance with feet hip width apart and then switch sides.

  • If you have lots of space you can step sideways and do all the reps on one side before heading back in the other direction for the other side. This is my preferred way, but alternating sides is the only way to execute this movement in a small area and is just as effective!

Nicole Sifuentes