Day 5: Scorpions

Scorpions are great! But they are not fun (at first). The first time I did these, I was in disbelief that people chose to do them as part of a warmup. Quite awkward feeling and very uncomfortable. Now they are a go-to for me. I always get a little spine correction.

What this exercise is for:

  • Glute activation.

  • Hip mobility. You should feel a gentle stretch in front of your body at the hip flexor.

  • Mobility of the spine, shoulders and torso overall.

  • Dynamic stretch of quads and abdominals.

How to do it:

  • Lay on your stomach with arms outstretched in a “T” position.

  • Reach one of your legs across and behind your body. Bending your knee, squeeze your glutes and reach your toes toward the opposite hand. (If you can’t reach the hand that is okay - just aim in that direction.)

  • As you reach your leg back, you’ll roll onto your side. You should feel a nice stretch through the front of your body at the hip flexor and through your trunk (abdominals).

  • Keep both arms on the ground (or close to the ground). Your shoulder will lift off the ground a bit as you twist - that is fine.

Nicole Sifuentes