Day 7: Glute Bridge

What this exercise is for:

  • Glute (booty!) activation. Especially important for runners who spend a lot of time sitting prior to running.

  • Hip mobility. You should feel a gentle stretch in front of your body at the hip flexor.

How to do it:

  • Lay on your back on the ground with knees bent.

  • Position your feet close to your torso. If your feet are too far out, this exercise will target the glutes less and the hamstrings more. We are aiming for the glutes.

  • Dorsiflex your ankles - lifting your toes off the ground.

  • Lift your hips: drive your heels into the ground as you lift your bottom off the ground. Peel your spine up off the ground one vertebrae at a time.

  • With your hips raised as high as possible, try to avoid letting your ribs flare out.

  • With your hips raised as high as possible, squeeze your glutes hard while driving your heels into the ground. Hold briefly, for 1-2 seconds at the most.

  • Lower your hips back down, one vertebrae at a time.

  • 3-5 glute bridges is all that’s necessary for pre-run activation, provided each rep is executed with intention and focus.

Note: The glute bridge should engage the same muscles as the glute kick back from Day 1. The body position in the glute bridge we are doing today provides some resistance to work against as your heels push into the ground.

CLICK HERE to watch this demo on my YouTube Channel

Nicole Sifuentes