Day 8: Leg Swings

What this exercise is for:

  • Hip & spine mobility

  • Hamstring, adductor, quad & abdominal stretches

How to do it (Frontal Plane/ side to side):

  • Stand on one leg next facing a wall (or chair). Hold on for balance with both hands.

  • Swing one leg in front of your body and side to side, keeping the ankle dorsiflex.

  • Aim to keep your hips facing forward as much as possible (some rotation is unavoidable and completely normal for this movement) your inside leg (the one closest to the wall) forward and back, keeping your ankle dorsiflex.

  • The movement should not be forced. Try to stay relaxed as you swing. Momentum should help you keep your leg swinging without too much effort.

  • Swing side to side 5-10 times, then switch and swing the other leg.

How to do it (Sagittal Plane/ forward and back):

  • Stand on one leg next to a wall (or chair). Hold on for balance with the hand closest to the wall.

  • Swing your inside leg (the one closest to the wall) forward and back, keeping your ankle dorsiflex.

  • Swing your free arm as a counter balance.

  • Allow your back to round forward and reach toward your toes as the leg swings forward.

  • Allow your back to arch as your leg swings backward,

  • The movement should not be forced. Try to stay relaxed as you swing. Momentum should help you keep your leg swinging without too much effort.

  • Swing forward and back 5-10 times, then switch to the other side.

CLICK HERE to watch the demo on my YouTube channel

Nicole Sifuentes