Lunge Matrix for Runners

Lunges are a great way to increase range of motion in the hips, strengthen the legs (especially quads), and reduce asymmetries in the lower body.

The lunge movement pattern is similar to running because it involves triple extension of ankles, knees and hips, and there’s no side-to-side motion (at least, there shouldn’t be if done correctly). However, the range of motion is way more extreme than what is required for running or even sprinting. Muscles are stretched to a greater degree than is required for running, engaging more more muscle fibers are engaged than running does. This is why lunges can make us really sore, because we’re using our muscles in a way we aren’t conditioned to do.

The lateral lunge and curtsy lunge are a great compliment because they require lateral movement. But beware! They have the potential to make the legs super sore (at first try) because running is only a straight-forward movement. Make sure to start even more conservatively with these two lunge varieties. I recommend trying side squats before doing side lunges.

Lunges Shown Below: Curtsy Lunge, Forward Lunge, Reverse Lunge, Lateral Lunge

How to Get Started:

  1. Begin with one set of 5 on each leg, each way.

  2. Increase gradually over the course of several weeks up to 10 reps on each leg, each way, before every run.

!! Warning!! Lunges cause extreme DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) if too much is done too soon. Start conservatively and evaluate DOMS one and two days later. As soon as you have no muscle soreness, do lunges again. Over time, you will not have sore legs from doing lunges and it will feel good to do these before heading out for a run.

Eventually you can add resistance to lunges (no more than twice per week) with a weight vest or by holding dumbbells in each hand.

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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