Treadmill Warmup

Hello from my treadmill. If you’ve kept up with this blog for a while you probably already know I am big on mobility (in other words: Dynamic stretching).

Up to now, all the mobility moves on my YouTube channel or on this blog require either getting on the ground lots OR of space outdoors - not great options if you want to jump on the treadmill.

So here are 4 quick mobility exercises you can do without stepping off the treadmill. These will loosen up your hip flexors, back, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves.

Runners need adequate range of motion to run smoothly without feeling stiff or limited in our stride. Dynamic mobility, or dynamic stretching helps achieve that and is especially important after:

  • a night of sleep

  • driving to the gym

  • sitting at a desk all day

  • taking a few days off being active

In contrast, regular stretching (static/ hold stretching) is meant to increase flexibility & lengthen muscles. But flexibility isn’t a big priority for runners because running isn’t a big range movement (in contrast, think about the range of motion required to be a gymnast or a yogi). 

Read more:
Mobility ≠ Flexibility
Yoga for Runners?

No need to spend more than a couple minutes! As shown in the animated gifs- these are active! As you work through these moves you may notice some areas of your body that need a little more time. For more info read How to do Dynamic Stretching.

Ready to run? Check out my Rules of Treadmill and Treadmill Workouts.

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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