Crush Your Virtual Race (Part I: Mindset)


As this pandemic stretches on, the list of cancelled race events grows. More runners looking to virtual races to keep motivated. Even those who weren’t interested in virtual races initially are warming to the idea of racing solo, because this is the only option we have right now.

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The right mindset is a key factor in setting ourselves up for success in any race, including virtual races. It’s easy to focus on everything that isn’t available in a virtual race: the crowds, the energy, the expo, the atmosphere. Not to mention the water, snacks and porta-pottys along the race course. But dwelling on the things we can’t control is never helpful.

The Upsides
As fun and exciting as big race events are, there are always some hassles involved. Virtual races free us from these hassles! Thankfully, the pandemic is not permanent, so why not (just for now!) embrace the benefits of this virtual racing season?

These come to mind right away:

  • No Waiting Around… in the bathroom lineup, in the corral, at bag check, at bag pickup, in the parking garage, leaving the parking garage, and so on. I’m probably missing a lot of waiting around scenarios. When you’re the only star in your own race there’s no waiting around for anyone. 

  • No Logistical Issues! Who needs to worry about parking, packet pickup, how to meet up with friends and family after the race, where to eat and shower afterward? No one! 

  • No Traffic. Big races mean crowded streets. When you want to pick up the pace, you’re navigating a lot of traffic from other racers instead of just running freely. Virtual racing means lots of room to run.

  • Early Mornings don’t mean “middle of the night.” Who’s with me on this one?! Those early morning start times are great to beat the heat but coupled with breakfast, coffee, that necessary pre-run bathroom visit and getting to the start line we might as well call race day “race night.” Virtual races mean you can start when you want to! Even if it’s still an early start, it’s on your own terms, and if you decide to start a few min after your scheduled start time, it literally does not make a difference. 

  • The Perfect Route. You’re the race director! You get to design the race course that suits all your strengths. (Check back on Thursday for important considerations for planning your route.)

What You Still Get
Virtual racing definitely isn’t the same as the real deal, but there’s a lot that stays the same. Most virtual races still send out the participation medals and a T-shirt. Many races and running groups have active online communities for accountability, motivation and encouragement. And they’re a great place to share your race experiences!

Most importantly, the clock works the same way at a big race finish line or on your wrist. You can still get those PR’s!

The virtual racing season is here but it won’t be forever. Seize this opportunity to race in a new way - virtually. Don’t let 2020 slip by without making some great memories and getting after some new PRs! 

Read Part II: The Route
Read Part III: Race Day

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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