Savvy Running in Winter Conditions

So you know how to dress for the deep cold weather, but sometimes temperatures aren’t the problem, it’s the footing. We can’t dress for slippery, icy roads!

Yaktrax or spiked runners can help, but they’re really only meant to make easy runs a bit more comfortable. They’ll never replace bare, dry pavement. Here are my tips on how to train in winter.

Treadmills are a great option when the roads are bad, but many people don’t own them! If you are fortunate enough to own a treadmill or have a gym membership, check out my Rules of Treadmill & Treadmill Workouts.


Slow Down on Poor Footing

Regardless of any scheduled workout, bad footing means another easy run day (or day off). Don't attempt to run fast when the ground is slippery underfoot, it’s dangerous and frustrating. The risk of falling or tweaking a hamstring is high.

Consider a Fartlek 

A fartlek run is simply a run with pace changes. If you’re eager to let your legs loose but the ground is icy or snowy, keep an eye out for the occasional stretch of sure footing. Businesses often do a good job of shoveling and salting/sanding their property, so take advantage of these stretches and throw in a little surge in pace. Return to an easy jog whenever the surface underfoot is iffy.

Destination Workouts

Your normal workout routes may be out of commission but that doesn’t mean the roads are icy everywhere. Go hunting for safe places to run:

  • Campus sidewalks: As a collegiate athlete and later pro runner based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, I discovered that the university campus sidewalks were cleared and salted reliably even when the sidewalks in the neighbourhoods were a mess.

  • Steep hills: There were also a few very hilly neighbourhoods in the area where the roads were always maintained perfectly - because they had to be! The hills are so steep that if the roads were slippery, residents wouldn’t be able to drive their cars in/out of the area. 

  • Parking lots work too - keep an eye out for large, nicely cleared and salted or sanded business parking lots. Of course, off-hours for the business is safest time to run in parking lots. 

  • Covered parking structures are also a great place to find sure footing. These aren’t good for running full workouts (too many blind corners and aggressive ramps) but it’s very feasible to get quality strides done in parking structures.

Don’t Despair

No matter how bad your training is through the winter, don’t despair. You may not be gaining fitness but it’s possible to maintain fitness with minimal training. The most important thing is to keep in touch with some faster running even if it’s just some hard snappy strides 1-2 times per week.

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Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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