Your Running Form: What Matters and What Doesn't

Running form is a common concern among runners who wonder if they have “good form.” But for most runners, form really doesn’t need to be a concern, and trying to “fix” their form is not going to help improve performance, nor will it help avoid injury.

Here’s a quick summary of what actually matters when it comes to running form:

There is no ideal form: Good form is any form that isn’t holding someone back from their running goals. In other words, if you are currently running and training, your form is probably fine.

What Matters regarding Form: The two aspects of running form that matter are: 1) Stability of the pelvis and 2) Range of motion in the hips. Runners who struggle in these areas will generally have reduced performance.

Read & Learn: How to improve pelvic stability

Watch & Learn: Hip Mobility Exercise

What Doesn’t Matter: When it comes to form work anything that isn’t causing problems with your training is something you don’t have to worry about. For example:

  • Foot strike

  • Overstride

  • 180 steps per minute

  • Knee Angles

  • Torso Angles

  • Elbow Angles

What is the Purpose for working on form? Why do runners want to work on their form? Generally, it is with the goal of improving running performance and reducing injuries.

However, the best and most effective way to achieve these goals is by training smart, not by changing running form.

Specific form work including form analysis should be the last resort for improved running performance because form changes are long term goals that require a ton of work. Form will improve to a certain extent simply by running more, because our bodies naturally find the most efficient way to carry out a task. The time and energy spent working on form changes takes away from the ability to train and get fitter. 

Want to dive deeper and get more information about any of these points? Check out the video replay of the webinar Your Running Form: What Matters and What Doesn’t.

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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