DXA2 Half Marathon

A quick break from my usual programming to share my training and race recap of the Dexter to Ann Arbor Half Marathon.

A Big Goal

Last fall my husband and I decided to run the DXA2, and the goal (which I set) was sub-90 minutes. At that point, the event was far enough down the road that it seemed doable despite the fact we were very new parents and not at all fit.

We’d run the DXA2 once before, many years earlier with the same goal. Well, it was Antonio’s goal. At the time I was a professional runner and for me “sub-90 half marathon” was synonymous with “easy long run.” I paced him to a 1:29.

Things were very different back then!

Training On Purpose

In January, it became obvious that we really needed to start intentionally training for this half marathon. Our casual jogs were not going to cut it. I put on my coaching hat and started planning our weekly workouts and schedule.

Most days I didn’t feel like training. My motivation and enjoyment of running was very low and I questioned why I kept at it when there were so few good days. My fitness (or lack of) was so far from where it once was. But one thing that pro running taught me was to rely on discipline - not motivation to get the work done. (Link to my training log)

Antonio wasn’t thriving on the training either but he kept going too, probably for me. We were working together even though we did the workouts separately, taking turns caring for our son while the other one ran.

We got a babysitter for our last and longest long run, a 12 miler. While sailing along the Gallup Park path comfortably we realized that the grind of our training had paid off. We had successfully worked our way back to a rewarding level of fitness. Running felt good again.

Then summer weather arrived abruptly and in full force, and we both suffered in the heat and humidity. Our final two weeks of training were awful and our confidence was low. Having experienced a few more obstacles in training than I did, Antonio decided to take a conservative approach on race day. But I committed to give myself a shot at sub-90.

Race Day

The weather was perfect - cool, overcast, and calm. My race plan was this: Be disciplined! Do not start too fast! That was my best chance of sneaking under 90 minutes.

When we started running, my legs were fresh and the pace felt easy. Over the first 3 miles I had to keep slowing down while checking my pace constantly. As the miles slowly passed my confidence grew. Things were going very well. At mile 9 I was slightly under pace and ready to start swinging. I ate the the jolly rancher in my pocket and started to hunt some people down. It was so fun.

I finished in 1:27:30.

And what about Antonio? That’s what I wondered too throughout the race. Turns out he was having a great day as well. For someone who decided not even to attempt sub-90 he got pretty close, running 1:30:18 with a big negative split.

When the Stars Align

One month before the race I ran an all-out 5k time trial on a flat course. I averaged 6:19/mile which was a great workout for me and a big confidence booster.

On race day, the average for my last 5k was 6:18/mile on the toughest part of the course going up big hills, with 10miles in my legs already, and feeling totally in control.

After the race I caught a bit of flack for attributing my unexpectedly good result to “great weather, super shoes and divine intervention.” People told me to give myself the credit! Believe me - I give myself all the credit for clawing my way back to fitness but nothing in my training indicated a 1:27:30.

I never expect a perfect day. I don’t try to convince myself that “x result” will happen. The biggest misconception in sports is that “if you believe it, you will achieve it.” When it comes to results, we are guaranteed nothing.

But we must believe that something great could happen.

That the stars might align.

Because sometimes, they do.

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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