Races Aren't the Only Goal


Many of us are dealing with low motivation right now and it’s not just because all the races are cancelled. With the uncertainty of when life will return to normal it’s hard to invest time, energy or money into the pursuits that used to energize us. 

Something that has helped me find my fire during the rona pandemic was to seek new goals and stop trying to force my schedule, habits and life back to “normal.”

On Monday I wrote about focusing on the things that we can control instead of despairing over the cancellations and uncertainties that we can do nothing about.

Here are some goals we can pivot toward as we turn away from the cancelled races and all the things that we can’t change. 

Working on Weaknesses
Distance runners can shift the focus off long runs and high volume to devote energy to speed work. Learn how to use a variety of different speeds and efforts to get faster (and improve endurance) in a Virtual Training Group.

Runners dealing with a nagging (or recurring) injury can work on actually healing that injury instead of constantly managing it. The top priority with any injury should be 100% healing, so break the cycle of “coming back” to training too soon. There’s no need to rush back to training with all races cancelled. Read more about this: Return To Running: Injury Comeback.

Trying Something New
Runners who have been committed to the sport often don’t experience other modes of exercise and working out because there’s always another race on the calendar to prepare for and no time to branch out. Trying something new can be a really refreshing way to stay active while there’s no pressure to get “race fit.” 

The pandemic has forced many gyms to offer virtual classes, which makes trying new things super easy. We don’t have to leave home or worry about an audience as we try something for the first time. 

Want to try something new? Try Pilates.

Pilates is an incredible workout deep core strength and posture which runners need SO badly. And in the pandemic I can recommend my favourite instructor Kristin Schley to anyone in the world because she is doing virtual instruction! (Sign up for a class here, and you might even see me in one of the video windows on Zoom.)

Developing a Discipline or Habit
Maybe core work, strength training, or stretching and rolling (self-therapy) have been on your “I know I should be doing” list for a long time now. Take some time now to incorporate one of these into your routine. Getting all those miles/kms doesn’t need to be the top priority right now with no race in sight. I promise that you’ll still find time to run even while putting more emphasis on developing a new habit of self-therapy or strength training.

Not sure where to start?

Run Challenges
Virtual Challenges are popping up everywhere and many are designed as fundraisers. In these challenges we run (and sometimes hike, cycle, or walk) to reach a goal distance we committed to.

Virtual challenges typically stretch over weeks or even months, keeping us engaged and disciplined with our activity. Many of them cost money to register but very often an investment helps keep us disciplined and committed a goal.

I just signed up for a really great virtual challenge supporting Black Girls Run. It’s called eRACE Racism and runners are paired up with a runner partner of another race. Together the two runners work toward their distance goal (choice of 50, 100 or 200miles in 45 days) encouraging each other, keeping each other accountable and expanding perspectives. Check it out!

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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