Runner's Race Report

“You win or learn.”

There’s a catchphrase I’ve heard many times about racing. It means that even a bad race is still a valuable learning experience. But in reality we don’t automatically learn. We only learn if we choose to.

Time to Reflect

It’s easy to post that finish-line photo, but all too often the post-race sit-down-and-reflect doesn’t happen. A full race report is a great way to actually learn from a race experience.

If the Race Went Well

Spending time on a race report allows us to identify the specific things that went well or that we did successfully. Reflecting on these specifics gives us a much better chance of being able to repeat them in future races. This practice also helps us internalize what our specific strengths are.

Here’s an example:

“I had a great run. I felt prepared from all the trial-and-error in my long runs with fueling. I stuck to the plan and had energy to the last step. I started out conservatively even though the pace felt slow, and in the second half I felt good. Near the finish, I started to struggle but reminded myself that this is what a hard effort should feel like. I maintained my pace even though I was so tired. I focused on the runner in front of me and was able to run strong to the finish. I was really tough today and I ran a smart race.”

If the Race Goes Wrong

The race report is still a chance to identify the things that went well. There are always positives, even if they don’t seem to outweigh the negatives. It’s important to revisit even the most disappointing race results and identify the things we did successfully.

Whenever a runner I coach has a disappointing day, I tell them what my own coach used to tell me: “It’s okay to be disappointed, but don’t get discouraged.”

We’re not trying to convince ourselves that the race was a triumph. We aren’t denying the mistakes or failures and we still address the specifics that “need improvement.” But bringing the positives into focus helps us stay hopeful and motivated even in disappointment.

Download my free Race Report Template here (scroll to the bottom). You can complete it on your computer with adobe reader or print out for a hand-written report.

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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