Vacations and Your Training Plan

Trying to enjoy the last bit of summer to the max? Want to fit in another trip or weekend getaway? By mid-August we are solidly into the 12 or 16-week build ups for fall marathons and half-marathons, and travel introduces a challenge to stick to the training plan.

The good news is that the training plan can always be flexible. Actually doing the training matters a lot more than how or in what order we do the training.

Here are some guidelines on how to adjust your training schedule:

Establish your priorities

If you’re really serious about your performance goals for your upcoming race you’ll need to keep training while on vacation.
If you don’t have a specific time goal in mind you can likely afford to take several days off during your trip, especially if your training has been consistent so far.

Plan Ahead

Training while on vacation requires intentionality and planning ahead. Consider the following questions:

  • How long are your travel days?

  • What is your activity schedule while on vacation?

  • Which day(s) will you have time to fit in a workout or a long run, and which day(s) will need to be either a short run or a day off?

  • Where are you going to do your runs? (Do some internet research or ask locals for suggestions!)

Adjust your training plan accordingly. Long run does not have to be on a weekend. Remember: the best training plan is the one you actually follow.

Be Realistic

If you’ve considered the questions listed above and determined that realistically, you don’t have time/a location/energy to fit in a workout or a long run (and you can’t move it to a different day without pushing it too close to another workout or long run) you might need to miss that workout or long run. Try not to worry.

It’s much better to decide in advance to miss a training day rather than “plan” on doing it even though you know it’s never going to happen once you’re on vacation. Focus on the training you can do rather than on the training you have to miss.

Have Fun

Trips are supposed to be fun, and running is supposed to be fun. Enjoy your travel and do what you can with regards to training. You can do both!

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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